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Catalyst 4G, smart home

After the 2000 "smart home " concept into China , people understand intelligent life scenes through television, magazines and other media advertising and . The emergence of 4G is to promote the development of smart home phone video intercom, video surveillance and other functions to the development of smart home industry has created a huge opportunity , but also to promote the concept of intelligence to make intelligent smart home industry of decoration ideas more deeply.
Especially network uplink and downlink speeds will greatly enhance the promotion of smart home smart appliances , home security of data transmission. After the masters in the field trip , you want to look through the phone 's home living conditions of children and the elderly , or video conversation can be realized only through the phone . Or, when thugs broke into pry open the door to break into the home, the phone received the alarm signal sent by the sensor and video images , the owner can always look through the phone 's whereabouts criminals , and immediately sends an alarm signal to the security community .

4G era stride walking , networked, intelligent , data of the current trends in global industrial development of common , high-speed mobile broadband technology will undoubtedly make many fantasy gradually become a reality , intelligent home on one of the important one . The arrival of 4G era will make further promotion of smart home . Good news to start the year of 4G networks will undoubtedly further stimulate the development of the industry . With the introduction of the national spate of favorable policies for the development of smart home industry to provide a relaxed comfortable environment to further the development of business confidence laid .
At present domestic and foreign enterprises are mustering the strength , sharpening want to cut the cake , intensified competition in the industry at the same time , prices are gradually falling , the market has even thousands of affordable packages appear , it seems to enter a high-tech smart home the average family just a matter of time , but not long. In such an era of rapid development , 4G will lead the smart home to the forefront of the times.

Keywords in the article: Alarm system,home alarm system,wireless alarm system,Alarm Security,Alarm Wireless